We are the original Metaphysics Group founded by Conny Méndez in Caracas in 1970 that we have continued uninterruptedly throughout the years at the hands of Ruben Cedeño, who was personally formed by its founder and we are spread throughout all the countries of the three Americas, the regions of Spain, France and Italy, certain countries in Africa, and cities such as London.
we keep the same principles of imparting spiritual teachings beginning with the Law of Metalism, the Internal Christ, the Seven Rays and the Violet Flame. We do not follow any teacher, nor channels from anyone, but we study and try to put into practice the Teachings given by Master Saint German and the other Masters of Wisdom of the Spiritual Hierarchy, to such an extent that today to delve into this more Intensively and seriously, among the oldest students, Esoteric Metaphysics Study Groups have been formed throughout the world.
We have more than 10 publishers, among which we have several in Spanish, one in French in Switzerland, one in Italian and another in Portuguese. We maintain the policy of translations and publications of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters in these languages, in addition to regular classes completely free of charge, or suggested donations, as Conny Méndez has always suggested.
You can find our editorial addresses, and talks at www.metafisicasedecentral.com
Ruben Cedeno
World communicator of Metaphysical Spiritual Teaching, Fine Arts, Academic Music, culture in general and the great religions, a subject he has been carrying out since 1970, based on the Teachings of the Masters of Wisdom and the studies he personally carried out with Conny Méndez in Caracas.
He does not consider directing any organization, nor does he claim to have disciples, followers or people who represent him. He does not charge for his talks. The expenses that these cause are covered by donations collected by the people who attend the talks. He has always lived from his work as a Music Teacher, Composer and writer. He does not channel any Master nor does he consider himself a disciple or emissary of Them, nor does he support this activity in any person, since the Teaching he facilitates is not the product of channeling.
His books, exceed more than 520 titles, are the product of his research in the 87 countries he knows, and in his writings, there is always the imprint of his experiences and his literary style.
He has always allowed free access to his person without intermediaries, appointments or permissions. He personally attends five pages on Facebook in different languages and one on Hotmail, open to the general public, allowing free communication with him, where those interested can find out about his activities, feelings and thoughts.

He was born in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, in 1972. He began his studies in Metaphysics at the age of 18 with Graciela Costantino, Director of the Metaphysical Plateada Publishing House. Later, through Rubén Cedeño, he made contact with the Central Headquarters Metaphysical Group of Caracas, through which he joined to work directly with the Conny Méndez Disciple Line.
He currently gives lectures on Metaphysics in the Argentine cities of: Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, La Plata, Mar del Plata, Salta, Neuquén, Posadas; He is also invited to give lectures outside the borders of his native Argentina, in countries such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, Spain and Bolivia.
He supports the monthly magazine of metaphysics in Buenos Aires and the radio program "Metaphysics, the Art of being happy" on Radio Mantra FM.
In 1998 he founded the "Señora Porteña" Publishing House, which he has directed ever since, and where he has published more than 260 titles on topics related to the New Age, texts that he exports to Spain, the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru. , Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and other Spanish-speaking countries.

Alejandra Capuzzi, Metaphysics facilitator in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Damián, facilitator from Buenos Aires Argentina and a great exorciser.

He was born in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 17, 1985. He began his metaphysics studies at an early age with his Facilitator Liliana Paolo. In August 1999, at the age of 14, he attended the XIV International Congress of Metaphysics for the first time, in Buenos Aires, where he met Rubén Cedeño. He joined Fernando Candiotto's metaphysics group directly in July 2006 and began attending his facilitator's weekly classes on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. at the Metaphysical School in Buenos Aires, until now.
He attended the Congresses held in the province of Córdoba, Argentina and the Congresses and Seminars held in the city of Buenos Aires, actively participating in the commissions. He attended the International Congresses held in the countries of Venezuela, Chile, Peru and Italy. In the year 2010 he carried out the Vipassana Meditation course for ten days.
Thanks to his Facilitator Fernando Candiotto, he made study trips and pilgrimages to different parts of the world, under the guidance of Rubén Cedeño and Fernando Candiotto through the countries of Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Nepal, India, Spain and Italy. . Since 2007, he has taught classes every Saturday at 5:00 p.m., in Caseros (Partido Tres de Febrero – Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina) and holds events attended by his Facilitator Fernando Candiotto.
Since February 2006, he has held the position of Manager of the Export Operations Department, in an International Logistics company, where he coordinates and supervises all land, sea and air transport activities.

Fernando Arbelo, facilitator from Buenos Aires Argentina.